Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Moving House

Moving to your new home can be what you’ve thought and dreamed about for years. You may be moving to an avenue you’ve always wanted to live in, or perhaps a house with a garden big enough for your ambitions. It’s one of life’s special events.

Needless to say, however, moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do. If everything goes right, you’ll be exhausted but happy. If something goes wrong, on the other hand, it can get your adventure at the new house off to the wrong start. Our job is to make things perfect for you.

At Grants Removals we have many years of experience at making the process as painless and enjoyable as possible. Over time we’ve helped hundreds of families with their moves and noticed a lot of the mistakes they tend to make. We don’t want you to make the same mistakes, so here is the first of our ten very important pointers on what we hope you won’t be doing on the big day!

Mistake 6 – You Underestimate How Tired You Will Be


Grants Removals & Storage Ltd will do all your heavy lifting. We will look after all of your furniture, electrical items, CDs, books and clothes. Even allowing for that, however, you will probably find yourself exhausted at the end of your moving day. Please make allowances for how tired you’ll feel in the days that follow.

Even though we will work to make the day go as smoothly as possible, you will probably have several issues to deal with that will use up energy. You may be a little behind on your sleep. There could be political issues to manage, such as saying goodbye to old neighbours and hello to new ones. Even when you have completed your move and are settling in to the new house, it will be different. Different sounds, smells and room sizes. Try to prepare yourself for that and, if it’s possible, think about taking some time off to recharge your batteries.

Why not plan your first evening at the new home? A bottle of champagne with a nice dinner sounds like a great start to your new beginning. Make it something you can look forward to.

View Mistake 5

View Mistake 7

Home: Removals Banstead

Del Says…

“We do this for a living and even we get tired! Don’t underestimate how much moving house will take out of you and don’t just assume you’ll be able to bounce back the very next day. In a nutshell: be kind to yourself!”

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